Pilates With Ros

Why MIND & BODY?……….
Pilates is all about the Mind & Body connection
Because Pilates involves physical control, and precise movements, which start with mental awareness.
We focus inward, responding to bring balance & control in movement and breath.
Because all movement stems from the core, the centre of the body.
We bring physical focus & stability to engage & strengthen the core, to move with control and strengthen.
WHAT TO EXPECT FROM MY PILATES CLASS – Mood boosting movement & more…..
Expect to move better and feel better, to feel the Pilates difference, the weekly “P Factor – Purpose. Practice. Progress for well-being!
“Pilates is a journey not a destination, it is not about
touching your toes or the perfect pose, it is about what happens on the way.”
And it is all about YOU, we practice for progress not perfect!