First Steps Surrey Child Contact Centre

Our unique Children’s Contact Centre provides a neutral, safe and comfortable environment for children and their parent/family members to meet where relationships have broken down and communication is difficult.
Within our friendly and quirky ‘Alice in Wonderland’ themed centre, we provide supported and supervised contact sessions to sustain and build positive relationships between children and parents.

Supported Contact
Supported sessions take place to facilitate contact between children and the parent/family members they don’t usually live with. Assisted by staggered arrival and departure times, parents do not have to meet. This is a form of contact where the level of risk is assessed to be low, so staff do not need to observe but may be present if required in order to support and ensure the comfort of those engaging in the service.
Supervised Contact
Supervised contact is provided where it is assessed that there might be a higher risk or greater complexity in a family’s circumstance. These sessions will take place whilst being supervised and observed by a qualified staff member(s) at all times. A report is usually required and written by us. Referrals will usually be made by the local authority, another child contact centre, a court, CAFCASS officer or by a self-referral. We can assist parents and their children build relationships between one another and always work in a sensitive manner, at the child’s pace.
The centre will be used by some families for a short period as a drop off / pick up point so parents do not have to meet. We can help support children with a smooth worry-free handover from one parent to another.
Other services we offer are preparatory sessions/assessments, indirect contact, virtual contact, community contact and McKenzie friends.